Methods to derive ‘smscg_clams.csv’
NOTE1: In September 2022, an error was found in the calculations of mass, which resulted in slightly inaccurate values for ash free dry mass (AFDM), filtration rate, and grazing rate. Error affected the first three versions of the data package (edi.876.1-edi.876.3). Values have been corrected for all years.
NOTE2: In November 2022, an error was found in the calculation of grazing rates for both clam species caused by the inclusion of a unit conversion twice, resulting in units of kilo-cubic meters per meter squared per day instead of cubic meters per meter squared per day. Error only affected one version of the data package (edi.876.4). All values have been corrected.
Clam data were collected at 28 sites in and near Suisun Marsh between 2018 and 2021, visited in July and September each year. The sites we used extended from Grizzly Bay, up into Suisun and Montezuma Sloughs and the smaller sloughs that branch off of them, and eastward into Suisun Bay at Sherman Lake. Fourteen of the 28 sites were either part of the Interagency Ecological Program’s (IEP) long-term Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP), had been visited as part of an EMP benthic special study, or had previously hosted water quality sondes as part of other Department of Water Resources (DWR) monitoring efforts. The remaining 14 sites were chosen to expand the sampling up into the smaller and shallower sloughs, and to fill in geographic gaps along the length of Suisun and Montezuma Sloughs.
Sites were sorted by decreasing stream order into three categories: River, Channel, and Slough. Environmental data was taken during the sampling runs at each of the sites, including water temperature (C), electrical conductivity as a proxy for salinity (uS/cm), turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, or NTU), fluorescence as a proxy for chlorophyll-a (milligrams/liter), and dissolved oxygen (milligrams/liter) were measured using a YSI 6600 V2 or YSI EXO multi-parameter sonde. Water depth (meters) at each site visit was also recorded. Sediment composition at each site visit was described by visually estimating the percentage volume of silt/clay, sand, gravel, and organic material in each grab. Sediment was categorized as "Fines", "Sand", "Gravel", or "Organic", depending on majority composition. Any missing sediment category data points were filled post-hoc in with the predominant sediment type for that site from other visits.
All samples were collected using a Ponar dredge with a sample area of 0.052 m2, to a depth that varied from 4-10 cm with sediment type. Four Ponar grabs were taken at each of the two long-term monitoring sites and one grab sample was taken at the other 26 sites. Each sample was sieved on 595 µm mesh and preserved with 70% ethyl alcohol for subsequent identification, enumeration, and measuring to the nearest millimeter.
Density was calculated as the number of individual clams per square meter. A shell-length:ash free dry mass (AFDM) log-log regression was constructed for each species and each sampling event at a reference site (EMP monitoring sites D4-L for Corbicula fluminea and D7-C for Potamocorbula amurensis). Total ash-free dry mass for each sample was estimated using the appropriate shell length:AFDM regression and converted to AFDM/m2. Grazing rates (GR) for each sample were calculated following the method outlined in Kimmerer and Thompson 2014, which incorporates biomass, filtration rates, and an estimated refiltration proportion (see Equation 1) to account for boundary layers of water that are re-grazed. Grazing rate turnover (GRTO) is the grazing rate divided by the depth of the water at the sample site, and is in units of m3/day. For EMP monitoring sites, where more than one replicate sample was taken at each sampling event, replicate samples were averaged.
Equation 1:
GR = AFDM * FR * 1 - nmax
GR = grazing rate, in (m3 water)/(m2 benthic surface)/day
AFDM = ash-free dry mass, in g/m2 benthic surface
FR = filtration rate, temperature-corrected and species-specific, in (m3 water)/(g AFDM)/day
nmax = refiltration proportion = 3.0/(s/do)
s = clam spacing factor, calculated as 100/√(density in individuals/m2)
do = mean clam siphon diameter, estimated from mean clam shell size, in mm